Finding Simple Moments

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Helping out your "Mom Freezer" and Family Mealtime

Hands up if you are feeling overwhelmed, trying to get organized for the ensuing chaos, working from home, scrambling with how to home school your kids, and most importantly, how to keep your loved ones safe. Ya, it’s all of us.

Obviously none of us knows how the next few months will unfold. In the meantime, we all have to do our part and stay away from as many people as possible. And while given the state of the planet and our personal safety, I am aware that this tip feels frivolous and superficial, but anything that helps to take a tiny bit of mayhem off of our plates is welcome.

Has your freezer always looked like you were preparing for the apocalypse? Well Mamas, now’s the time to use it. Compared to my mom (Laurie, you’re reading this and you totally know it!), mine is actually pretty empty, but I still have to confess to not really having a clue what is in there most of the time.

Since we (are all) doing our best to stay home and limit contact with others, I am embracing it and digging deep, literally. And knowing that we will possibly have days with fewer fresh fruit and veggies in the house, what is better than all the frozen foods that are already packed with all that good stuff?

A buddy suggested this method for tracking what’s in your freezer (thank you Danielle). What a brilliant way to help with meal planning! I have put it into action (it took about 15 minutes) and am using it to avoid the grocery store, save some money and even take a little cooking off of my plate.

Add a sticky note when you are throwing something in, remove one when you take something out, use it to plan your dinners, and have a peak before you head out to battle the doomsdayers at the grocery store.

It isn’t beautiful, but most deep freezes are in the garage or the basement, so who cares?

As for us….looks like it’s Enchilada Casserole tonight. Who knew? That one has been there for a loooong while.

Stay safe, reach out to someone more isolated that you are today, wash your hands again and pat yourself on the back for just doing your best.

Xo ~Q