It's February! Organize Your Seeds Now That Planting Season is Upon Us


FEBRUARY has arrived and the bonus of that for gardeners is that we get to start planning and planting! Believe it or not I actually start in January! I have several things that I start in January. Onions, Hot Peppers and Celery are well underway. If you pull out your seeds and they look something like mine, it makes it very hard to figure out what you need and not miss something or over buy something else. December was expensive enough, I don’t want to waste a thing on buying what I don’t need or having to pay additional charges for shipping if I miss something.



This morning I had a quick project to save me time in the future and get all my seeds ordered for spring! I grabbed a neat old suitcase that I bought at Value Village years ago and cleaned it up. You seriously don’t need a tutorial and how to cut an amazon box into dividers and labels, do you? Hope not because that sounds really dull. Measure them out, use a box cutter and make it user friendly. I went by category (Veggies, Flowers and Herbs) and then alphabetical therein. You can go fancy if you want but I couldn’t be bothered, no one will see it but me.


Happy Seed Organizing!